Friday, April 8, 2011

Faux-tisserie Chicken

I found this recipe on Our Best Bites and loved it for it's simplicity and heavenly taste!  I have since made some modifications to make it even easier and lower in calories.  This is a recipe that you can totally change up based on the flavors your family loves.  If you have never bought a whole chicken, let me tell you, they are cheap.  Most of the time I get mine for $0.88/lb.  AND you can pick the meat off or boil the carcus for a second meal later in the week.  AND it takes about 3 minutes to put it all together in your crock pot.  Have I mentioned that I love this recipe?

1 whole chicken
Salt based seasoning (Lemon pepper, Seasoning Salt, Cajun Seasoning, Italian dressing pkt., etc.)
Fresh or dried herbs (optional)

Rip off 3 large-ish sheets of aluminum foil and wad them up into balls.  Put them inside of your crock pot.  Take your chicken out of the package and pull out the innards from the cavity of the bird.  I'm not going to lie, it's kind of nasty.  Throw them away and rinse the inside and outside of the chicken with warm water.  Pull up on the skin and use a pair of kitchen shears or a knife to cut off all the skin and fat you can.  Sprinkle seasoning of choice on the breast of the chicken.  Be kind of generous with the seasoning.  Lay the chicken breast side down on the foil balls inside the crock pot.  This allows heat to circulate around the bird like a rotisserie chicken.  Sprinkle seasoning over the rest of the chicken.  Sprinkle with dried herbs or lay fresh herbs over top of chicken if you like that herb-y taste.  Cover your crock pot and turn to low.  Cook 8 hours. Lift out with a spatula to place on your serving plate.


  1. I can't wait to try this!

  2. Andrea! I love recipes that are recommended, especially if they are from friends. How are you?! Looks like I need to try a few of these out. :)

