Saturday, October 3, 2009

Basil Chicken Broccoli Pasta

I know, I know.  Another pasta recipe.  We eat a lot of pasta in our family, what can I say.  I found this recipe years ago and loved how light and flavorful it is.  It is a great meal for the summer, a great meal for the winter and a great meal for days when you need dinner ready in 30 minutes or less.  This meal is not meant to have a lot of sauce, just enough to coat the noodles so they don't stick together.  That is one of the reasons it is low calorie.  Also, the recipe calls for carrots but I forgot to get some at the store so we left them out.  It was still good but it is better with the carrots and prettier too.  Anyway, give it a try, I know you'll love it!

1-2 Chicken Breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
2 T. Olive Oil
1 bag Frozen Broccoli Florets
3 carrots, peeled and sliced thinly
1 Can Chicken Broth (it really needs to be a can and not water mixed with granules or cubes of bouillon)
2-3 cloves fresh garlic
1 heaping tsp. Basil
1/2 C. Parmesan + more on top
salt and pepper to taste
1 pkg. Angel Hair Pasta

Begin heating water for pasta.  Heat oil in skillet over med. high heat.  Add chicken and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Cook until done and remove from pot to a small plate.  Add carrots to skillet and cook for 3 minutes.  Cook Pasta according to pkg. directions.  Add broccoli and fresh garlic (pressed) to skillet and cook for 4 minutes longer.  Add broth, basil, parmesan to skillet and cook on med. low heat until ready to pour over cooked pasta.  Grate additional parmesan over top before serving.


Hooper Fox's said...

Hey Andrea I found your blog looks good will have to try some recipes. Our's is Kim

christin said...

I think this is my favorite recipe of yours. I have loved it since the first time I tried it... 4 years ago.